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Solar Eclipse Weekend 2024

Solar Eclipse Party at the SWC Clubhouse - An Epic Event

By Ellen Bidell

The weekend started with snow on the ground and awesome ski conditions for the group of around 34 people who traveled to the SWC clubhouse for the solar eclipse weekend. By eclipse day, all the snow at the house was gone and the lawn was filled with kids playing and adults sunning themselves on picnic blankets, while others sat around enjoying the firepit.

Waterbury Center was in the path of totality, so members were treated to nature’s show of the complete solar eclipse. As semi-darkness descended, the temperature dropped to the point that everyone ran inside to don winter jackets over their t-shirts. We were even treated to a fireworks display in the distance.

It was the most fun we have ever had at a hosted weekend. With all the young families, the activity around the house was nonstop, and it was great to such a diverse group of members.

"Schenectady Wintersports Club Inc." is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 2072, Wilton New York 12831

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